1. Each new act that confirms your job loss starts the pain again: 每一个进一步让你确认自己已失去了工作的新情况都会重新激起你的痛楚:
2. The reader starts out, full of hope and determination. 读者开始阅读的时候,满怀希望和决心。
3. This continental slope usually starts at a place somewhere near the 100-fathom mark and in the course of a few hundred miles reaches the true ocean floor at 2,500-3,500 fathoms. 大陆架慢坡一般是从差不多100英寻水深的地方开始的,一直延伸到几百英里远深达2,500至3,500的地方,那里才是真正的海底。
4. The whole situation starts to become more favorable; you recover from the symptoms of the first two stages, and you adjust yourself to the new norms, values, and even beliefs and traditions of the new country. 整个形势开始变得对你有利了,你会从前面两个阶段中出现的症状中恢复过来。而且你开始使自己适应新的准则、新的价值观念,乃至这个新的国家的各种信念和传统。
5. Sometimes I kiss and hold Laurie so much she starts crying — which is, in effect, what my grandmother was doing to my mother, all her life. 有时候,我又亲又抱劳里,把她都要弄哭了。实际上,外婆一生都是这样对待妈妈的。
6. Imedeen fits this concept by providing for the skin's needs. "伊美婷"通过提供皮肤所需的养分而做到了这一点。
7. For example, when you call for a taxi in France, the meter starts running from wherever the taxi was stationed, so it can arrive with up to 10 dollars already on the meter. 例如,在法国叫车,计程器会从出租车的所在地开始计算,等它到达时,计程器上已标示10美元了。